Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the last time

While organizing old photos to scan I started thinking about the last time, before now, that I was happy with my smile, intrinsically happy. I figure I was five. Even by the time I was seven photos reveal that I had started to hide my teeth, or try to. Or it may have been more a matter of simply being unable to close my mouth with my teeth inside. Without a doubt the last time I could close my lips naturally was before or shortly after my permanent central incisors erupted. That would have been second grade. I was six.

Photos from only a few years later show the obvious signs of overcrowding in my mouth, not to mention the tetracycline stains which appeared with my permanent teeth. I am not sure if, as a child, I was given tetracycline or if it was prescribed to my mom when she was pregnant with me. Either way, were its effects widely unknown prior to 1970?

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