Sunday, January 24, 2010


Now 11 days post-op and, despite looking like I could be related to Shrek, I'm feeling good. I am still having a bit of pain in my ear and more mucous than normal but overall there's been a huge improvement in one week. My surgeon told me my eustachian tube isn't working as efficiently. Between being pushed out of place from the swelling and drowning in extra mucous, my eustachian tube has a lot to adjust to. Apparently it's all perfectly normal and only a matter of time until it's functioning well again. I also still have a lot of swelling around my nose and mouth which makes for a goofy smile.

The other news is that my jaws are now aligned and held together with rubberbands. My surgeon seemed to imply that I'd be able to eat with the rubberbands in place. How to do so is still a mystery to me. Let's just say that I won't be having blenderized mac & cheese again any time soon. Rice was also a no-go but chocolate pudding and Jell-o were something of a messy success. For now though I'm sticking with soups, smoothies, shakes.

And lastly, here is today's profile photo. Note, at the left edge you can see a small pink blemish along my jawline. That is where my mandible was screwed back together. It's no wonder my jaws feel squishy--they're held together with screws and rubberbands!

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